As demand for addiction counselors increases, a new track in IU's Mental Health Counseling and Counselor Education program is helping students expand their knowledge of substance use disorder. The program is part of IU's Responding to the Addictions Crisis Grand Challenge.
Preparing students to help people with substance use disorder

Social groups, status key in choices on health controversies
When people confront controversial health choices, the social networks they belong to can play a major role in their decision-making.
Read about the research

How should we govern outer space?
Building on the work of IU Nobel Prize-winner Elinor Ostrom, IU researchers and colleagues are reimagining how international companies and institutions may share in governing outer space.
Read more about the work
Low tax rates don't necessarily mean corporate tax avoidance, study says
New research from IU Kelley School of Business and others suggests that companies' very low effective tax rates often do not reflect aggressive tax avoidance.
Read about the study
Trailblazing research on climate, pain, more honored
Four faculty who have addressed critical problems facing our state and the world, while also engaging students in discovery and research were honored with 2021 Research Frontiers Trailblazer awards at IUPUI.
Read more about the TrailblazersIU research in the news
Resources and events
- IU's Developing Character for a Digital World project offers tools and materials to foster meaningful conversations about ethics and digital technologies across the curriculum at IU. To find out what is being done in current IU classes, the project is surveying faculty, graduate students, clinicians, and teachers who teach at IUB and IUPUI. The project encourages all who received the survey to reply by October 1. Look for emails with unique survey links sent out on Sept. 8, Sept. 16, and Sept. 23.
- IU's Research Integrity Office offers a new webinar series on the causes and consequences of research misconduct. Learn what falsification, fabrication, and plagiarism look like, how research misconduct allegations can affect you and your research, and how to prevent research misconduct and research misconduct allegations. Registration has closed.
- IUPUI researchers can connect and engage with research support units that can help build and advance their research programs during IUPUI's Research On-boarding Orientation on Sept. 29 at 10 a.m. via Zoom. Find out more about ROBO.
- IU researchers may find new information and assistance regarding complying with government requirements concerning undue foreign influence on IU's research website.
- Searching for external research funding? Find information and resources to help you locate relevant funding from external sources, including the Pivot funding search tool.
- Access the latest IU research news from your smart speaker or other smart device. Audio news briefings are now available every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday on various channels.
- Don't miss a thing! Follow IU Research on Facebook and IU Research on Twitter. IU Research now has 10 special Twitter ambassadors, helping to showcase the contributions IU faculty make every day to help make life better for Hoosiers everywhere. Give them a follow!