Funding opportunities and resources
- The Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation’s Moore Inventor Fellows is a three-year program for inventors and innovators harnessing science and technology to enhance scientific research, environmental conservation and the experience and outcomes of patient care. Fellows receive $200,000 per year. Deadline: Oct. 10.
- The Social Sciences Research Funding Program supports new innovative research projects that foster excellence in the social sciences and advance IU Bloomington’s national and international reputation. Projects may be initiated by individual faculty members or be collaborative, as long as the lead PI is in the social sciences. Deadline: Oct. 17.
- CIFAR Azrieli Global Scholars Program invites early career researchers from the natural, biomedical and social sciences and the humanities to join CIFAR's global network of leading researchers. The program provides funding, skills training, mentorship and opportunities to collaborate with colleagues from diverse disciplines, positioning scholars as research leaders and agents of change. It provides an unrestricted research grant of $100,000. Deadline: Oct. 25.
- John Templeton Foundation Fundamental Physics Grant supports high-risk and potentially high-return small-scale experimental projects aimed at new ambitious discoveries beyond the current frontier of fundamental physics. "Small-scale" refers to table-top size experiments or to ones that could fit in a typical university physics research lab. The program will provide up to $1 million over five years. Deadline: Oct. 31.
- The Faculty Research Support Program-Seed Funding grantin IU Bloomington supports new research projects at IU Bloomington that have not been previously submitted for external funding from federal, state, international or private entities but are targeted for submission to a specific external agency and whose likelihood of funding on submission would increase with the acquisition of data or proof of concept. Deadline: Nov. 1.
- The Enhanced Mentoring Program with Opportunities for Ways to Excel in Research (EMPOWER) provides support to IUPUI faculty who are historically underrepresented and/or excluded populations in their discipline. The program helps these faculty become successful in sponsored research and scholarly activity and achieve significant professional growth and advancement. Deadline: Nov. 1.
- The IU Presidential Arts and Humanities program provides funding in support of research and creative activity through a variety of mechanisms, including a Fellows Program as well as travel and production grants. The Research website outlines each of the categories of funding as well as eligibility and application requirements. All grant categories are currently open for applications.
- Looking for additional funding opportunities? Use Pivot to search for external funding to support your work. Private foundation and corporate funding is also available through the Office of Business Partnerships and the Office of Foundation Relations.