New AVP for research development
An innovative research leader, Chris Liu has been named associate vice president for research and development. Liu will lead IU’s Research Development team, responsible for a wide range of strategic, proactive and capacity-building services and resources that help to advance research, creative activities and innovation at its earliest stages and beyond.

NIH grant funds research center to find new addiction therapies
Advancing addiction research and innovative therapies, the new IU Bloomington Center for Cannabis, Cannabinoids and Addiction will support researchers across the nation.
Read more about the center
2023 Research Frontiers Trailblazers announced
Eight IUPUI researchers have been recognized for their exceptional contributions to a variety of research fields, including health policy's impact on vulnerable populations, youth violence and gangs, data visualization techniques and more.
Read more about the recipientsResearch leadership search
Funding opportunities
- The Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation - Moore Inventor Fellows seeks to identify outstanding inventors and innovators who harness science and technology to enhance the conduct of scientific research, strengthen environmental conservation or improve the experience and outcomes of patient care. Each fellow will receive $200,000 per year for three years. Deadline: Oct. 11. You must be logged into InfoReady to apply.
- The Social Sciences Research Funding Program supports new innovative research projects that foster excellence in the social sciences and advance IU Bloomington’s national and international reputation. Projects may be initiated by individual faculty members or be collaborative, as long as the lead PI is in the social sciences. Maximum amount of award is $50,000 per project. Deadline: Oct. 16.
- The FRSP - Seed Funding program at IU Bloomington supports new innovative research projects that have not been previously submitted for external funding from federal, state, international, or private entities but are targeted for submission to a specific external agency and whose likelihood of funding on submission would increase with the acquisition of data or proof of concept. Maximum award is $40,000. Deadline: Nov. 1.
- The McKnight Foundation - Neurobiology of Brain Disorders Award assists scientists working to apply the knowledge achieved through basic research to human brain disorders, and who demonstrate a commitment to equitable and inclusive lab environments. Awards provide $100,000 per year for three years. LOI deadline: Nov. 6.
- The Russell Sage Foundation (RSF) - Core Programs and Special Initiatives provides $200K over two years to any of its core programs and special initiatives that address the effects of social movements and the effects of racial/ethnic/gender bias and discrimination on a range of outcomes related to social and living conditions in the United States. Deadline: Nov. 7.
- The Mellon Emerging Faculty Leaders Award supports tenure-track faculty who have passed their midpoint review and whose research focuses on contemporary American history, politics, culture and society. In addition to bringing a diversity of perspectives to their fields, MEFL awardees are building support systems, networks and affinity groups for their students and peers. Awardees receive a $20,000 stipend ($12,000 to be used for summer research support and $8,000 for research assistance during the academic year). Deadline: Dec. 1.
- The American Council of Learned Societies - Digital Justice Seed Grants is designed to promote and provide resources for projects at various stages of development that diversify the digital domain, advance justice and equity in digital scholarly practice and/or contribute to public understanding of racial and social justice issues. This program especially supports projects that engage with the interests and histories of people of color and other historically marginalized communities. Funding is up to $25,000. Deadline: Dec. 15.
- The IU Research and Creative Activity Conference Grants, sponsored by IU Research, provide IU faculty the opportunity to apply for matching funds to curate and host an innovative conference on an IU campus. The purpose is to convene scholars from other institutions around the country and the world with IU faculty and students to explore novel ideas and initiatives, expand scholarly networks, and build new research and creative activity partnerships. Funding is up to $15,000. Deadline: Open.
- Looking for additional funding opportunities? Private foundation and corporate funding is also available through the Office of Business Partnerships and the Office of Foundation Relations.
Selected Limited Submissions
The Health Resources and Services Administration is accepting applications for the fiscal year 2024 State and Regional Primary Care Association Cooperative Agreements. The purpose of this program is to support the development and delivery of training and technical assistance to support health centers in improving the health of individuals and communities by increasing access to comprehensive, culturally competent high-quality primary health care services.
Internal Competition (InfoReady): Internal Deadline: 10/3/23
External Solicitation: External Deadline: 10/31/23
Award: Dependent on state award ceiling. See sponsor solicitation for details.
Limitation: Two per IU.
The Partnerships for Innovation (PFI) Program within the Division of Translational Impacts (TI) offers researchers from all disciplines of science and engineering funded by the NSF the opportunity to perform translational research and technology development, catalyze partnerships and accelerate the transition of discoveries from the laboratory to the marketplace for societal benefit. This solicitation offers two broad tracks for proposals in pursuit of the aforementioned goals: The Technology Translation (PFI-TT) track and the Research Partnerships (PFI-RP) track.
Internal Competition (InfoReady): Internal Deadline: 10/19/23
External Solicitation: Internal Deadline: 1/2/24
Award: $1,000,000
Limitation: One per IU for the PFI-RP track. An organization may not submit more than one (1) new or resubmitted PFI-RP proposal to a deadline of this solicitation. There is no limit on the number of PFI-TT proposals an organization may submit to a deadline of this solicitation.
The purpose of the Brain Research Foundation is to provide start-up monies for new research projects in the field of neuroscience that will likely lead to extramural funding from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) or other outside funding sources. The objective of the program is to support new and innovative projects, especially those of junior faculty, who are working in new research directions.
Internal Competition (InfoReady): Internal Deadline: 10/1/2023
External Competition: External Deadline: Required LOI 12/1/2023, Full proposal 3/7/24
Award: Each total grant is limited to $80,000 (direct costs) for a two year grant period.
Limitation: One per IU.
For more limited submissions, see the IU Research Limited Submissions website, or use Pivot to search for external funding.
Upcoming Research Events
Wednesday, September 27 • 5:30 p.m. • Presidents Hall
Indianapolis Prize Winner Pablo Borboroglu
The Indianapolis Prize is the world's leading award for animal conservation. Join as Dr. Pablo Borboroglu, an internationally recognized expert on penguin ecology and land and sea conservation, gives a special presentation as the 2023 Indianapolis Prize Winner.
Friday, September 29 • 10:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. • Paul H. O’Neill Graduate Center Room PV169
Lars Peter Hansen is a leading expert in economic dynamics who works at the forefront of economic thinking and modeling, drawing on approaches from macroeconomics, finance and statistics. He is a recipient of the 2013 Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel.
Friday, October 6 • 10:00 - 11:30 a.m. • Zoom
IU Research Orientation for Faculty
This information session will introduce new and recently-added faculty on all campuses to the support available from IU Research.
IU research in the news
- "'Pay Transparency Is Sweeping Across the US," Wired, with Tomasz Obloj.
- "Latino Charitable Giving Rates Drop Sharply — but That’s Not the Full Story," The Chronicle of Philanthropy, with the IU Lilly Family School of Philanthropy.
- "IUPUI School of Science faculty receive $5.4M in NIH grants," Inside Indiana Business, with IUPUI School of Science.
- "Scrub Hub: Will climate change affect hardiness zones for what to plant and when in Indiana?," Indy Star, with Todd Royer.
Stay connected
- Don't miss a thing! Follow IU Research on X and LinkedIn. IU Research now has 18 special X ambassadors, helping to showcase the contributions IU faculty make every day to help make life better for Hoosiers everywhere. Give them a follow!